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So far Barnes & Partners has created 24 blog entries.
21 11, 2017

Staff Spotlight Sharan Chohan


At our Barnes and Partners Solicitors branches we like to celebrate our amazing team members and so every month all staff vote for a member of the firm to be featured in that month’s blog. [...]

Staff Spotlight Sharan Chohan2020-12-22T20:13:04+00:00
30 10, 2017

Staff Spotlight Tara Arnold


Our Staff Spotlight gives you a snap shot of the lives of our workforce and the individuals that make Barnes and Partners the legal firm that it is. Every month at Barnes and Partners we [...]

Staff Spotlight Tara Arnold2020-12-22T20:13:04+00:00
6 07, 2017

Staff Spotlight Charlene Boyaram


Our Staff Spotlight is a monthly occurrence where we shine the spotlight on a member of our Barnes and Partner’s Solicitors team. From receptionist to finance team, conveyancing to employment law – we give you [...]

Staff Spotlight Charlene Boyaram2020-12-22T20:13:04+00:00
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